Active Chapter Report for Fall 2009
By Michigan Alpha Active Chapter President John Sturgis '11
[Posted December 15, 2009] It has been an honor to serve as President of the active chapter for the last year. The Executive Council leaders, activities chairmen and all active members have formed a team in which everyone has had an important role in the fraternity's many accomplishments. I would like to report the highlights of the fall semester:
• Despite a tough rush environment for all fraternities due to the economic downturn, we recruited 12 outstanding Phikeias that we expect to activate before the end of the year. According to the fraternity’s records, the size of Michigan Alpha’s fall pledge classes has averaged about 13 during the last 50 years, so we feel that we are on target for keeping the fraternity a tight membership that has been our hallmark of success.
Actives Membership Total and Residents of the Chapter House:
• 51 active members (63 when the fall pledges activate). Given we have a small senior class (only 6 members) graduating in 2010, we expect that our total membership will grow this year.
• 25 active members are living in the chapter house. There are 12 rooms occupied by actives (one room is reserved for the Resident Manager who is not a Phi), so we currently have a full house. This continues our trend of having the house fully occupied for each of the last 6 years.
Intramural Sports:
• Won the IM “A” Team Championship in soccer with a 2 to 1 hard fought win over SAE.
• Participated in the IM “A” Team playoffs for every sport so far (soccer, volleyball, softball, etc...).
• Currently ranked 4th in the Fraternity League all-sports standings, and close to 3rd place.
Social Activities:
• Carry-in with Delta Gamma (DG) sorority.
• Drive-in movie event with Alpha Delta Pi sorority. We rented a giant inflatable movie screen and projector, and watched the Iowa game at the chapter house.
• Football Saturday pre-game events with Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority.
• Winter formal planned.
• Working with Ann Arbor Active Against ALS (A2A3) to plan hosting the 2nd annual Boxcar Derby in spring 2010 to raise money and awareness for fighting Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
• Participated in A2A3’s field day sporting event. Activities focused on exercise and sports clinics for the children and adults.
• Co-hosted, with Alpha Delta Pi, the annual haunted house for children from Greenhills Elementary School. The event was held at our chapter house.
• Carwash charity fundraiser with DG.
Chapter Grade Point Average:
• 3.1 (Near the all-men campus average).
Leadership in the U of M Greek System:
• Ann Arbor Campus Community Coalition presented Michigan Alpha with the “Unsung Heroes” award in recognition of our leadership on maintaining an alcohol-free chapter house.
• Alex Carrick served as Vice President of Rush Recruitment for The Interfraternity Council.
• Brett Vasicek serving in the leadership of the Interfraternity Council.
Thank You and the Outlook for Continued Success
My term as President has now ended, but I am confident that our new president, Tom Hardenburgh ’12, will work with all our very dedicated members of the new Executive Council to keep building on our achievements. We will not rest on our laurels.
With the continued strong support of our alumni, I firmly believe Michigan Alpha’s best days are ahead. On behalf of the active chapter membership, I wish to thank the alumni donors to the Annual Fund and invite all Brothers in the Bond to visit the chapter house.
Phi Delta Theta is a fraternity for life and all alums are always welcome to say hello. The active members greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet alums. We hope that you will be able to attend our Founders Day Dinner on Sunday, March 7, 2010.