Active Chapter President's Report 2010 Spring
Chapter Had a Great Year During 2009-2010, Optimistic Outlook
By Thomas Hardenbergh '12
[Posted May 1, 2010] One of the first things rushees see about Michigan Alpha is our stately mansion at the corner of Washtenaw and South University. When they walk in the door, they find a fraternity that matches our home -- solid, strong and respectful of worthy traditions.
I am pleased to report that Michigan Alpha is continuing to make great progress as a leader in the U of M Greek System. Our success is a product of having a dedicated Executive Council with an active membership that works as a team to achieve excellence in all our pursuits.
Of course, the Michigan Alpha Alumni Association and all alums who support the chapter in effect collectively constitute the 12th man who helps to keep our team winning.
As a fraternity president, I have had the opportunity to get to know the leaders of other houses on campus. I can say with certainty that Michigan Alpha's alums are second to none when it comes to supporting the active chapter.
On behalf of the Executive Council and the entire active chapter, I want to thank your for your unwaivering support -- especially during these difficult economic times. We alway strive to earn your trust and confidence as we know we have been given a rich tradition to uphold.
Here are some highlights from the 2009-2010 year that demonstrate the progress the active chapter is making:
• Initiated 11 new brothers during fall of 2009, and added 7 more in the winter term of 2010.
• Total membership stands at 66 active brothers (20 living in the chapter house).
• Placed 2nd overall for IM Sports within the Fraternity League
• Major social events included watching Michigan vs. Iowa away football game on the front lawn with Alpha Delta Pi with a giant inflatable screen, a formal sit-down dinner with Pi Beta Phi and the Winter Formal in Windsor, Canada.
• Highly successful philanthropy events throughout year including the 2nd Annual Boxcar Derby, Banta Bash with Delta Gamma, and Haunted House with Alpha Delta Pi. Awarded "Best Philanthropy Event" by the U of M IFC for our Boxcar Derby.
• Won multiple events during Greek Week including the Greek Olympics.
• Cleaned up the Go Greek! Awards by taking home the top prizes in New Member Education and Philanthropy. Phi Delt also won Honorable Mentions in Recruitment and the AIFC Chapter of Excellence (see photo to the left).
• Alex Carrick '10 was hired as a leadership consultant by the Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters. To my knowledge, Carrick is the first Michigan Alpha alum to be hired by the GHQ for this presitious position.
Although we are separated by distance, please make a point of stopping by the chapter house to learn first-hand about our accomplishments if you have a chance to visit the U of M campus. Phi Delta Theta is a fraternity for life and alums are always welcome to visit.
Thanks again for your support. The active chapter especially hopes to see you during Homecoming 2010 (October 16) and the 2011 Founders Day Dinner (March 19).