Michigan Alpha's 2nd Refounding Fathers Commemorate
the 5 Year Anniversary: 2004 ~ 2009
Looking Back and Where are They Now
The The 2nd Refounding Fathers of Michigan Alpha at the Michigan League for the charter installation ceremony at the Michigan League on December 11, 2004
[Posted September 1, 2010] On December 11, 2004, 34 newly initiated Phi Delt Brothers joined with alums to hold the charter installation ceremony at the Michigan League on campus to restore Michigan Alpha as an active chapter of Phi Delta Theta.
The Alumni Association is pleased that the 34 young men who led the rebirth of Michigan Alpha have moved on to bigger challenges in life; however, we will never forget their their contributions to keeping our fraternity's great tradition alive at U of M. We will always remember them as the 2nd Refounding Fathers of Michigan Alpha (the first Refounding Fathers reestablished the chapter in 1887 after it closed in 1869 just 5 years after it was chartered at U of M).
All Refounding Fathers were invited to share their thoughts about the five year anniversary of the chapter’s reestablishment and updates about what they’ve been during since their years as active members of Michigan Alpha. The Alumni Association received 15 responses, and the edited versions were printed in 2010 Spring-Summer issue of the Sword & Shield. The full versions of the responses can be viewed on the Alumni Association’s web site by clicking on the names below.
If you were a Refounding Father who did not have a chance to submit a response at this time, the Alumni Association encourages you to e-mail us your updates/recollections that can be posted on the web site with all the others. The Alumni Association’s e-mail address is [email protected].
The 2nd Refounding Fathers of Michigan Alpha
Antonio Adan
Matthew Y. Bai
Brian W. Boss
Kenneth D. Chaklos
Darren P. Culbertson
Samuel Lynn Davis
Scott J. Dill
Andrew E. Dominguez
Matthew J. Dube
Michael W. Franklin
Christopher W. Frayne
Nicholas B. Godwin
William E. Grossett
William A. Johnson
Kai Liu
Joshua N. Moon
Daniel G. Moranville
Daniel J. Rice
Michael D. Tarquini
Mario F. Tayupanta, Jr.