Name: Evan Isaacs
Current Residence and Contact Information: Washingto, D.C.
Graduating Class Year: 2006
Pledge Class Year/Semester: Fall 2002
Employer / Occupation or Graduate School:
Touchstone Consulting Group
Career or Graduate School Overview:
After graduation, I moved to the Adams Morgan area of Washington DC to work for a company called the Corporate Executive Board, a best practices strategic consulting firm. After shifting from a sales job to a role in human resource consulting, I shifted firms to work for Touchstone Consulting Group, a government agency strategy consulting firm.
Interesting Career Fact or Experience:
While in sales, I actually ran into one of my sales prospects at the Chapter House during homecoming, and was actually brought on as a client. The story was sent out to the entire company, and the company's Head of Marketing gave me a $500 bonus on the spot.
Role in the Reestablishment of the Michigan Alpha Chapter:
Recruitment Chairman in 2002, responsible for bringing in 5 brothers who held executive positions over the following 3 years.
Favorite Memory of Michigan Alpha:
The fall break trip up to Josh Moon's cabin in the UP.
Message for the Brothers About the 5 Year Anniversary of the Reestablishment of the Michigan Alpha Charter:
My years on campus in Phi Delta Theta gave me experience and connections which helped open many doors, both socially and professionally. I would have never imagined such a strong and beneficial bond to my brothers and this organization when I first walked through the doors back in 2002. Proud to Be a Phi.