Name: Kellyn Parker
Current Residence and Contact Information:
Los Angeles, California
[email protected]
Graduating Class Year: 2007 with a BA in film and video studies
Pledge Class Year/Semester: Winter 2004
Employer / Occupation or Graduate School:
Currently I’m working in the agent training program at united talent agency, one of the leading talent agencies in the world.
Career or Graduate School Overview:
Establishing a career in the entertainment industry...I love movies.
Personal Activities and Family Status:
I stay involved with pdt through housing corp and try to make it back on campus every fall for a football game (it breaks my heart that we have lost the last 3 times ive flown back). currently i am living with my girlfriend since high school gabby risner, she is teaching preschool out here and witnessed first hand the reestablishment of Michigan Alpha.
Interesting Career Fact or Experience:
I occasionally get to share elevator rides with famous actors
Role in the Reestablishment of the Michigan Alpha Chapter:
I was in the last wave of brothers to join as we transitioned out of being a colony into a fully functional chapter. i got see us work our way through a lot of obstacles and helped establish our identity as a newly formed chapter. in the subsequent years i served as the recruitment chairmen and president. most rewarding was the realization of all our hard work as we created our own legacy at michigan alpha, both reestablishing old traditions and starting up plenty of our own.
Favorite Memory of Michigan Alpha:
Loved my time in Phi Delt, it really enhanced the undergraduate experience and helped me establish connections that were vital in my transition out west, including a social and business network through the cal delta chapter (USC).
Being an active member and chapter president helped me learn and grow just as much as my classroom experience at UM. my best memories among many at PDT have to include the epic road trips we took to away football games, the blackout bus to Columbus, Ohio for the #1 vs #2 game and the 2006 Rose Bowl being the best (even though we lost both games) other memorable trips include going to Notre Dame, Mad Town, and Happy Valley. Honorable mentions would have to be spring break 2006 in Acapulco, Mexico, and our championship season in IM football.
Message for the Brothers About the 5 Year Anniversary of the Reestablishment of the Michigan Alpha Charter:
I cherish my time spent on campus and made some of my closest friends through the experience. I love to read the great updates in the Sword and Shield and talk to current brothers, they are continuing a great tradition. I’m very proud that my brothers and I had a hand in reestablishing a premiere organization on campus that future brothers will be able to enjoy as much as I did. Go Blue and proud to be a Phi.