> Founders Day Dinner 2011

More than 50 actives and 10 alums attended the annual Founders Day Dinner in March at the Michigan League.

91 chapter house

The meet & greet reception was held on late Saturday afternoon, March 19, at the chapter house prior to the Founder Day Dinner program at the Michigan League.

92 actives at house

Active chapter members at the chapter house during the Founders Day Dinner meet & greet prior to the dinner

93 actives Founders Day chapter house

Active chapter members at the chapter house immediately after the Founders Day Dinner meet & greet prior to the dinner.

94 Michigan League

After the meet & greet reception at the chapter house, everyone went over to the Michigan League for the dinner program.

95 Founders Day 2011

Active chapter President Will Hardenbergh '13 made remarks reviewing the accomplishments of the fraternity during the first half of the 2010-2011 year.

95a Love Kraus

Nat Love '81 and Joe "JR" Kraus '82 sitting with active members during the dinner.

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Active chapter Alumni Secretary Tom Hardenbergh '12 makes opening remarks as the dinner begins at the Michigan League.

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Alumni Association President JT (Tom) Buck '77 spoke to active members and alums.

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Alumni Association President JT (Tom) Buck '77 makes a point speaking to active chapter members and alums.

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Three Michigan Alpha graduating seniors were the featured speakers reflecting on their experiences in the fraternity while sharing wisdom for the underclassmen.

990 Holmes award winner

Hiram Perry Holmes '17 Award winner Karl Cran '12 is commended by Alumni Association President JT (Tom) Buck '77. The Holmes Award plaque is permanently displayed in the Trophy Room at the chapter house.

991 Joe and Matt Kraus

Joe Kraus '82 and his son, Matt Kraus '14, attended the dinner. Joe has served for many years as the Treasurer of the Alumni Association.

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Active chapter President Will Hardenbergh '13 and former Alumni Association President Charlie Green '58.