> Homecoming 2010

90 PDT house pic1

Phi Delta Theta chapter house Homecoming 2010.

90a PDT house pic2

1437 Washtenaw looking good.

91 Hardenbergh remarks

Active chapter President Tom Hardenbergh '12 makes remarks during the Homecoming Open House to active chapter members and alums.

92 Buck remarks pic

Alumni Association President JT (Tom) Buck '77 made remarks during the Homecoming Open House via an Internet video connection from his home office. After a morning work meeting, Buck came to the Open House to greet alums in person.

93 Craig Waldinger honored pic

The highlight of the Homecoming Open House was a brief program to honor our fallen military heroes U.S. Navy Cmdr. Phil Craig ’63 and U.S. Navy Lt. Scott “Harv” Waldinger ’86.

94 Miller Huffaker

Terry Miller ’60 and Dr. Harry Huffaker ’61.

95 Ludwig Hardenbergh

Dr. Ted Ludwig ’61 and active chapter President Tom Hardenberg '12.

96 phis

Joe "JR" Kraus '82, Tony Hagelgans '87, Nat Love '81 and active chapter President Tom Hardenbergh '12.

97 fall colors1

Fall colors at the U of M Law School Quad.

99 tailgating 2

1980s and 1990s Phis tailgating at the Big House.

991 PDT 1980s 90s tailgating

For the seventh time in the last eightyears, Phis from the late 1980s and early1990s gathered for a tailgate reunion at Michigan Stadium. The 2010 reunion was held before the Homecoming game against Iowa. From left to right: Tom Ksoll ’87, Derek Adgrana ’88, Pete Karmanos ’88, Dan Dretler ’88, Drayke Dondero ’91, Chris Shepard ’88, Mike Rossi ’87, Greg Karmazin ’87, Tony Hagelgans ’87, Matt Stump ’88, Randy Scheid ’88 and Dr. Tim Lamb ’87.

Share YOUR reunion pictures in the next issue of the Sword & Shield newsletter and Alumni Association web site. You can e-mail them to the Secretary of the Alumni Association, Greg Karmazin ’87, at [email protected].

992 Michigan v Iowa stadium1

While they had chances to make it a game, Iowa's offense proved too much for the Michigan's defense. Michigan was handed a rare Homecoming loss 38 to 28.